Writing For Healing

Writing can sometimes be a powerful source of healing. If you have found that to be true, then why not submit something of yours for this page, if you think it may help someone. I hope some of them can help you in your pain, or in your Christian life. (Please note that all of these things are copyrighted by the authors)

"Secrets on a City Bench," by April Love (parental discretion advised)

"Why Are You A Christian?" by Ken Sander

"The Lord's Prayer for Healing" by Ken Sander

Some original songs by Ken Sander

"Building a Bridge" by Louise Evans

"Jesus the Rescuer," by Dr. Trudy Veerman

"His Arms," by Dr. Trudy Veerman

"Trials and Triumphs," by Dr. Trudy Veerman

"Sinners or Sons of God," by Dr. Trudy Veerman

"The Wonder of New Birth," by Sharon Tulley

"Impressions of Praise," by Sharon Tulley

Can God Really Help?

Can I Help Myself?

Can Others Help?

Is Counseling the Answer?

You Don't Know My Situation!

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